Synopsis of Training

Synopsis of Training

Training in anaesthetics is highly structured and competency based.

There are two routes into Anaesthetics: either via Core Training (CT - 3 years) or Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS - 4 years) with anaesthesia as your parent speciality. For information about ACCS training please click here

During the first 3 years of anaesthetic training, known as core training, trainees gain a thorough grounding in anaesthesia and intensive care, acquiring Stage 1 clinical and generic professional capabilities, plus the primary FRCA exam before progressing to the next stage of training.

Following completion of Stage 1 training, trainees apply competitively to higher specialist training and ST4 entry. During the next 2 years of ST4 and ST5 years, known as Stage 2, training follows a fixed curriculum encompassing experience in all the main sub-specialities such as paediatric anaesthesia, obstetric anaesthesia, neuroanaesthesia, cardiac anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine, as well as consolidating their general duties and generic professional capabilities. During these 2 years, trainees are required to pass their final FRCA exam.

The final 2 years of ST6 and ST7 years are more flexible allowing trainees to develop clinical special interest areas and become involved in more significant research, QI, education and management projects, in preparation for Consultant practice. Trainees also have the option of completing dual Certificates of Completion of training (CCT) in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine/PHEM.

Synopsis of Training

Stages of Training

The image, from the RCoA website, summarises the typical path from medical student to obtaining a certificate of completion of training (CCT) in anaesthesia.