Trainers LLP

The Lifelong Learning Platform (LLP) is the College online platform that brings all functionality of logbook and curriculum progression in one place. Accounts are available to anyone with College membership or have specific training roles for anaesthetic trainees.

For non College members who require access please use this form for application.

To ensure your account works effectively, please make sure your details (including CCT date) and placements including hospital and Educational Supervisor (ES) are up to date. This will ensure certain assessments are sent to the correct people.

Short Webinars are also available on how to use the Lifelong Learning Platform

Reflective writing in cases and critical incidents is a fundamental part of the training process. It is important to ensure when entering these reflections that they are anonymised with respect to patient identifiable data, and as much as possible, unique situation. Please see guidance from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges for further guidance.

All anaesthetic assessments should be completed electronically. Advice for LLP for anaesthetic ACCS trainees can be found on the AWSEM website.


LLP Transition Guide

A video from the RCoA walking through the steps to effectively transition from the 2010 to 2021 curriculum

LLP Video Guides

A number of videos have been created to cover some of the typical activities performed on the LLP. These videos are relevant to both trainees and trainers.
Access the videos using the buttons below.


Lifelong Learning Platform

The LLP provides a paperless system for ARCP, where all evidence considered has to be visible on the system. Important forms such as Form R need to be uploaded to the account and evidence should be added as Personal Activity rather than uploaded directly to the document store. The ARCP panel cannot access your document store evidence. Guidance on how to populate the ESSR can be found here and common errors in ARCP preparation here.

More than one of these can be generated a year. This is intended to replace the interim progress report. Please generate an ESSR either just prior to ARCP or if you change hospital part way through your training year. These should be forwarded to your ES for review and comment before being forwarded to the College Tutor.

Multi Source Feedback
The MSF can be open as long as is needed. Trainees can invite people to provide responses and see when this has occurred. The number of invites can be increased at any point to provide a satisfactory number of responses. Once this has been achieved the trainee closes the MSF which is then sent to the Educational Supervisor for review. The ES will comment on the number of Consultant and non Consultant respondents. All trainees are required to provide one anaesthetics based MSF per ARCP year.

Multiple Trainer Reports
MTR are a requirement of the 2021 curriculum and are generated by your College Tutor or ES. MTRs are required to support EPA 1&2, EPA 3&4, specialist training modules/HALOs in ICM, cardiac, paediatric, obstetric and neuro-anaesthesia, plus an annual MTR for all general duties work.

Non Clinical Tab
The non clinical tab on the 2010 curriculum contains much of the competencies required for Annex G. Evidence pertaining to QI, management, teaching and research should linked here. The advanced tab on the 2010 curriculum contains it's own separate Domains which have to be completed as part of the advanced module over and above the non clinical higher tab. Guidance for higher and advanced trainees on how to complete these units can be found here

All reflections related to critical incidents or teaching should be linked to the appropriate module. A record of 15 reflections on attended meetings is required for each stage of training. This is best recorded in a table or spreadsheet and then uploaded prior to ESSR generation and appropriately labelled. Other reflections can be left unlinked using the reflection function on the home screen.

Educational Supervisors

Recommendation that trainee is appraised every 3 months, the first meeting at the start of the placement.

Educational Supervisor meetings should use the ES meeting pro forma downloadable from this site to document the meetings. These can then be uploaded to the Lifelong Learning Platform and labelled as supervisory meeting from the drop down menu under Personal Activity.

Each hospital has it's own designated Lifelong Learning Platform Lead who should be the first point of contact for queries.

Any problems or suggestions about the Lifelong Learning Platform, please email:
LLP Lead for Welsh School of Anaesthesia