Welsh School of Anaesthesia, ICM & Pain Medicine

Welcome to the Welsh School of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine. We provide education, training and career development for postgraduate doctors in these specialities.

We are recognised by the Postgraduate Medical Dean of Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW), Royal College of Anaesthetists, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and Faculty of Pain Medicine.

The School is committed to providing anaesthetic, intensive care and pain medicine training, where the full speciality programme offers a training schedule which meets the standards and experience required, with successful completion resulting in the award of a single or dual CCT.

A wide variety of anaesthetic, intensive care and pain medicine training opportunities are provided within the hospitals of the school. There is an emphasis on broad-based sub-speciality training however, specific schedules can be designed to cater for doctors in training particular career interest. The school also encourages trainees to gain experience overseas and there are opportunities available for flexible training pathways.

Croeso i Ysgol Gymraeg Anaesthetig, Gofal Dwys a Meddygaeth Lleddfu Poen.

Yn darparu addysg a hyfforddiant. Rydym yn cael ein cydnabod gan y Deon Iechyd Ôl-raddedig, Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru (AaGIC), y Coleg Brenhinol Anaesthetig, y Gyfadran Meddygaeth Gofal Dwys a'r Gyfadran Meddygaeth Poen.

Mae'r Ysgol yn ymrwymo i ddarparu rhaglen o hyfforddiant ym maes anaesthetig a gofal dwys sydd yn cwrdd â'r safonau a'r profiad disgwyliedig i ateb gofynion y Coleg, ac yn arwain at dystysgrif CCT.

Mae ystod eang o gyfleoedd ar gael yn ysbytai'r Ysgol. Tra bod pwyslais ar ddarparu hyfforddiant eang a chytbwys, rydym hefyd yn gallu addasu'r rhaglen i ateb gofynion a diddordebau arbennig. Mae'r Ysgol hefyd yn annog y rhai sy'n cael eu hyfforddi i fanteisio ar gyfleoedd i gael profiad dramor ac mae darpariaeth hefyd i'r rhai sy'n awyddus i ddysgu trwy lwybrau hyfforddi hyblyg.



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Contact details for all members of the Speciality Training Committee and trainee representatives.