Completing Training

As you approach your CCT date there are some important things to consider as the end of your training approaches.

CCT date

If your training timeline has been altered in any way (LTFT, OOP, sickness) you must liaise with your TPD as soon as possible so your CCT date can be recalculated accurately and updated on your LLP, with the RCoA and HEIW. Please keep in close contact with your college tutors so that any issues in the next months can be ironed out and addressed early and ensure a smooth path to CCT. If you feel that there will be any problems with you achieving CCT by the set date then please can you get in touch with the TPD early so you can discuss a plan going forwards well ahead of time.

Grace Period

All ST7 trainees (full time or less than full time) are automatically mapped for a six month grace period of employment post CCT date. Trainees will be contacted by the TPD and HEIW approximately 6 months prior to their CCT date to confirm whether they wish to take up this period of grace. This six months of employment allows you to continue working at a specialty doctor level and remain on such rotas. We can not guarantee which Health Board this post will be in and it may need to be in a different centre to your ST7 year. The sooner we know what your intentions are the more likely we are to be able to accommodate you in a suitable hospital. You must provide a minimum of 3 months notice to resign from a grace period post which is designed as an opt out programmed aspect of your training post. Failure to submitting your resignation within the notice period, may require you to work in the Health Board beyond your CCT date.


You will need to notify HEIW of your plan to resign from your training post within 3 months notice of your CCT date if you are not planning a grace period. Please complete the online resignation form on the HEIW FAQ webpage. You will also need to notify your Health Board, department and NWSSP ( with the same notice period so rotas can be amended. Please be aware that your CCT date is your last day of your employment if you opt out of a grace period, not the August and February rotation dates.

Stage 3 training certificate

Leading up to your CCT, you will need to be aware of the updated process of completing training to fulfil RCoA requirements.
The Stage 3 certificate in the 2021 curriculum replaces the previous Notification of Completion of Training form. Anaesthetists in training should complete the Stage 3 certificate, detailing the time spent in each SIA (rotations can be combined). Please ensure that these posts total 12 months (WTE) and are accurately recorded on the Stage 3 certificate. The date on this certificate and the final ARCP outcome 6 should match their prospective completion date
• The RCoA Training department will contact anaesthetists in training 4 months before their CCT date to confirm their details, including CCT date and specialty (Anaes, Dual ICM, Anaes with PHEM). Anaesthetists in training have one month to respond if corrections are needed and to provide any further information regarding changes to their programme
• If these details are correct, no action is required. After one month, the Training department will notify the GMC and the anaesthetist in training will receive an email detailing next steps.

Please ensure that the following are completed on the LLP:
• Either Higher ICM CUT form or Stage 2 ICM HALO
• Stage 3 Certificate, with all 14 HALOs signed off
• 12 months WTE of training time in SIAs recorded accurately
• Acceptance of the final ARCP outcome form

All ARCP outcome forms should be on LLP, including those that were completed as PDF or paper documents. For missing forms, the School or Deanery administrator may be able to assist. Please inform the College if a start date for a substantive consultant post has been set.

This information is also available in the "Recommendation to the Specialist Register" section on the College website.