Useful Information for Pain Medicine Training

Faculty of Pain Medicine Information

  • Faculty of Pain Medicine - General information and updates from the FPM FPM website
  • Faculty of Pain Medicine training information - For details of curriculum requirements at all levels: FPM training

FPM Opportunities

The FPM are currently recruiting for trainee members on education groups, please see here for details:
Closing dates: 12noon Monday 28th October.


  • Faculty of Pain Medicine FPMLearning Page - Includes regularly updated case reports, radiology corner and other learning materials: FPM Learning
  • E-Pain - A programme for healthcare professionals learning about pain management. Registration is free to all NHS staff members, students and those with OpenAthens accounts: E-Pain
  • Virtual Anaesthetics - Developed in Wales for trainees at all levels undertaking pain medicine training: Virtual Anaesthetics


  • FPM Opioids Aware. A useful resource providing guidance and information about opioids in pain management: FPM Opioids


  • British Pain Society - Further information on the society, information on pain and details on the annual BPS Scientific Meeting can be found here: British Pain Society
  • Welsh Pain Society - Further information including details on the annual Welsh Pain Society Scientific Meeting can be found here: Welsh Pain Society
  • SwNAP - (South Wales network of acute pain teams).

Further details on the network, including dates of the annual conference: SwNAP

For further information please contact:
Dr Sonia Pierce
Consultant in Pain Medicine
RCoA Regional Adviser in Pain Medicine (Wales)

Pain Medicine

Pain Medicine Guidance

Pain Medicine Training Guidance Document (all stages)