Latest News & Updates

For all latest School news, please see below or follow us on twitter @welshanaesthes

Final SWAC - Thursday 7th November

Wednesday 24th July 2024
L Emmett

The next Final SWAC will run at Llandough Education Centre on Thursday 7th November 2024. Please contact Dr Simon Slinn at for further information and to book a space.

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ACCS Teaching Days - Call for Faculty

Wednesday 17th July 2024

Please follow this link ACCS Teaching to the ACCS Teaching days for the 2024/5 academic year, along with the lead organiser and hospital site. If any senior trainees are able to help with teaching on these days please contact the lead organiser for the site or

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WAFT Final Written Course

Tuesday 16th July 2024

The next WAFT Final Written course will run on 14th and 15th August in HEIW. This will be an in-person event with an optional Teams link for those who cannot attend in-person. Please contact Owen Thomas at for further information and to book a place.

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Transfer, Trauma and Critical care training

Friday 28th June 2024
E Duff

An opportunity to undertake some much sought after transfer training at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd in August 24. A selection of study days focussing on transfer training, trauma care and management of the critically ill (BASIC). Places still available for all of these days. Please contact :

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Novice Anaesthetist Simulation Training Days

Wednesday 26th June 2024

For all novice anaesthetists! This 2 day course will run in Bridgend in August. Please see poster for further details and contact to book a place. NASTD Course

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Return to Anaesthesia Course - Thursday 26th September

Wednesday 5th June 2024

The next Return to Anaesthesia course will run in UHW on Thursday 26th September. This is a one day course designed to provide workshops and simulation scenarios relevant to work in anaesthetics. It is suitable for those who have taken time out of clinical work for any reason and are planning their return to practice. Please contact Dr Gemma Phillips for further information or to book a place.

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Oswestry Regional Anaesthesia Course Thursday 10th October 2024

Tuesday 28th May 2024

Oswestry Regional Anaesthesia Course The School would like to promote a regional anaesthesia course which will be delivered by this specialist centre in October 2024 for all Stages of training. The centre is keen to showcase to all Wales trainees the opportunities available in regional anaesthesia with the potential to discuss with trainers Special Interest areas in orthopaedics and regional anaesthesia. Course Flyer Course Programme

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Primary SWAC Thursday 24th October 2024 - Booking and Call for Examiners

Tuesday 28th May 2024

The next Primary SWAC course will run on Thursday 24th October 2024 at the Royal Gwent Hospital. Please see further details in Primary Courses and Study Days and booking link here SWAC Booking If you are a trainer or a Stage 2/3 trainee who would be interested in being faculty for this course - please contact for further information.

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New guidance for Pain Medicine

Tuesday 21st May 2024
L Emmett

Please find attached an excellent guidance document for Pain Medicine at each stage of training created by Dr Sonia Pierce. Pain Medicine Guidance

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AWAG Conference 2024

Wednesday 8th May 2024
L Emmett

The All Wales Airway Group 2024 Annual Conference is now available for booking! Friday 4th October at the SWALEC Stadium, Cardiff. Use the QR code on the attached poster for further information and booking details!

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Return To Training and Peer Mentoring

Monday 25th March 2024

We have a new Return to Training page on the website, including details on the RTT peer mentoring scheme RTT Peer mentoring. You will also find paperwork, RTT leads for each Health Board and further resources.

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Stage 2 Regional Anaesthesia Study Day

Wednesday 14th February 2024

This is a simulation and workshop-based course which aims to help trainees achieve many of the Regional Anaesthesia (RA) curriculum requirements for Stage 2. There will be a mixture of modalities including UGRA (Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia) elements, workshops and simulation-based education. What to expect: Pre-course reading materials and questionnaire Workshops surrounding communication, anticoagulation and consent in regional anaesthesia Simulation scenarios with candidates demonstrating sonoanatomy and conduct of UGRA as well as management of emergencies in RA Debrief and feedback sessions. This is a free course for ST4 and ST5 anaesthetic trainees undergoing Stage 2 training. Date - 17th April 2024 Location - Routledge Education Centre, University Hospital Llandough To book please click on the eventbrite link below, there are limited places. Stage 2 RA Day booking

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Guidance on additional work undertaken whilst working in a postgraduate training programme

Monday 12th February 2024
E Duff

COPMED have published guidance detailing the considerations for trainees wishing to undertake additional work/locums whilst in a postgraduate training programme. The guidance refers to both full time and LTFT trainees and is also a useful reference for trainers in educational supervisor roles and in managing rota queries. Educational supervisors should be encouraged to discuss with the trainee any additional activity as part of their ongoing review of training progression and curriculum requirements prior to ARCP review. COPMED Additional Work Guidance

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NEW : Critical Care Transfer Training study days 2024

Monday 15th January 2024
Dr E Duff

There are a selection of Transfer training study days available to any interested trainees in the coming 12 months. These are valuable opportunities to achieve the curriculum requirements. Wrexham : April 24th and November 6th 2024. Contact Joanne Richards ABUHB : March 22nd, June 21st, October 15th, December 10th. Contact Sian Pritchard

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New WSoA Maternity/Paternity/Shared Parental Leave Guidance

Monday 15th January 2024
Dr J Myo, Dr J Loughran

The new Maternity/Paternity/Shared Parental Leave guidance booklet can be accessed by clicking this link. The new and detailed guidance booklet should provide everything you need in planning your maternity, paternity or shared parental leave. This resource covers many important aspects including who to notify, how to plan your accrued annual leave, how to plan your return to work, pay and keeping in touch days. There are links to all the useful pages included and everything is accessible in one concise booklet. A useful checklist of jobs is included to ensure everything is in place to support your leave.

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