Stage 1 Training

Stage 1 Training

The latest information and guidance on the 2021 curriculum and assessments can be accessed on the RCoA Training Hub. Please see below some useful documents for stage 1 trainees.

Stage 1 trainee tips and tricks to help you in the first few months of training.

Novice discussion topics; a collection of discussion topics for trainees embarking on EPA 1&2 to gain then IAC.

Generic Professional Domains

The non clinical domains that demonstrate the Generic Professional capabilities of all Doctors are part of the RCOA 2021 anaesthesia curriculum. The 7 Generic Professional Domains are found across stages 1, 2 and 3. To support trainees across all stages of training we have developed a series of short lectures which are the basics and building blocks for these modules. Trainees across all 3 stages should complete these online lectures and complete a reflection. This reflection should be uploaded to the Lifelong learning platform as evidence of completion of the lecture series and should be thoroughly discussed with the Educational supervisor. The ES will be asked to make specific comments on the trainees reflections as part of the ESSR. These lectures are the core principles and trainees will be expected to demonstrate progression in these modules by adding reflection on other activities as well as the relevant supervised learning events (SLEs) eg QI project, audit cycle, guideline development etc.

An Overview of the Generic Professional Domains by Dr Caroline Evans

Professional behaviours and communication

Management and Professional and Regulatory Requirements


Quality Improvement


Education and Training

Research and Managing Data

Team Working
No presentations have been created for this domain because you should easily be able to reflect and evidence how you work as part of a team in your day to day practice.

HEIW Generic Professional Curriculum Resources

HEIW has a range of very useful resources and free study days aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the generic professional curriculum. They can be accessed here. Study days and resources include:

  • Communication
  • Fair training
  • Leadership and team working
  • Medical law and ethics
  • Patient safety
  • Preparing to be a consultant
  • QIST
  • Research skills
  • Sustainable healthcare
  • Successfully negotiating life as a new consultant
  • Teaching skills course

Stage 1 Professional "Sim" Day

A novel & interactive day; highlighting some of the clinical and non-clinical scenarios faced by anaesthetists in training and focussing on the RCoA 2021 Curriculum requirements for the Generic Professional Capabilities. Valuable aspects of the day focus on behaviour, professionalism, communication, teamwork and dealing with complex decisions. This will enable all Stage 1 trainees to evidence this domain in their portfolios, and is designed for CT1, CT2, CT3s (& ST3s to evidence their Stage 1 Equivalence). The day is run in January of each year and places are limited so book your place early.

Stage 1 Regional Anaesthesia Training Days

The UGRA (Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia) course aims to help trainees achieve the Regional Anaesthesia curriculum requirements for Stage 1.

What to expect:
• Pre-course learning resources and quiz
• Focus on establishing skills for UGRA- getting the right picture, seeing your needle
• Lots of hands-on practice with scanning and needling
• Experience using augmented reality and Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistance (NeedleTrainer, and ScanNav Anatomy Peripheral Nerve Block; Intelligent Ultrasound)
• Personalised feedback from facilitators throughout
• DOPS for Fascia Iliaca block

The course is free for CT1s (Anaesthetics) who have completed their IAC and who have done 6 months of anaesthetics. The course will be held in the following locations and dates and you can sign up via the associated eventbrite links.

The Grange University Hospital (lead Dr James Lloyd)

  • Future dates TBC

University Hospital of Wales (lead Dr Paul Carter)

  • Future dates TBC

Morriston Hopsital (lead Dr Simon Ford)

  • Future dates TBC

Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor (lead Dr Stefan Clements)

  • Future dates TBC

The number of attendees for each day is limited in order to maximise hands-on practice. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis (but there will be a reserve list). If you have registered and then can no longer attend, please email the course organiser as soon as possible so that your place can be offered to someone on the reserve list.

Educational Development Time

In order to support trainees achieving the GPC domain capabilities, the RCoA have produced guidance on the provision of specific time in the working week i.e. Educational Development Time (EDT) for developing and assessing skills to support learning and assessment in professional practice. The RCoA has a suggested time required for each stage of training, recommending trainees in anaesthetic posts in Stages 1 and 2 of the curriculum on both Core Anaesthetic Training and ACCS pathways should be allocated up to 2 hours of EDT per week. Those in Stage 3 should be allocated up to 4 hours per week, reflecting the requirement for greater involvement in some of these areas in the later stages of the training programme.

Please see policy linked below for full details.

WSA Educational Development Time Policy