Further Information
Are you cut out to be an Anaesthetist?
The personal qualities you need are:
- Good team worker - able to work within a team and lead a team
- Good communication skills - although anaesthetists are often thought of as working alone, good communication skills are essential. You will be working with doctors from other specialties and other healthcare professionals e.g. nurses, operating department personnel, midwives
- Enjoy the challenge of looking after very sick patients.
- Self-reliant and be able to act decisively in a crisis.
- Conscientious and able to pay attention to detail.
- Manual dexterity - Anaesthesia is a hands-on speciality.
- An interest in the basic sciences - physiology, pharmacology and physics would be a bonus.
Work life balance and opportunities for LTFT training
Anaesthesia has a well-deserved reputation for being a family friendly speciality, which is attractive to doctors seeking to balance work and life. As a speciality. anaesthetics lends itself very well to part-time working. It was one of the specialities at the forefront of developing flexible training.
Our LTFT trainees rotate through teaching hospitals and DGHs in the same way as full timers. They have ARCPs on a yearly basis and go through the same training assessments. They work a pro rata of the on-call hours of full-time trainees in respect of weekday and weekend on-call shifts.
There are a number of Consultant Anaesthetists in Wales working in part time posts. A desire to work less than full time is certainly no barrier to obtaining a future Consultant post.
For the latest information about recruitment click here
Further information
Royal College of Anaesthetists, Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4SG Tel: 020 7092 1500 Email: info@rcoa.ac.uk Website: www.rcoa.ac.uk
The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, 21 Portland Place, London W1B 1PY
Tel: 020 7631 1650
Email: info@aagbi.org
Website: www.aagbi.org