Other Courses & Events
Pain Study Day
Pain Study Days are held annually, to complement the RCoA training curriculum and are open to all anaesthetic trainees (FP1 to ST7) and SAS doctors. The next course date will be in Spring 2025.
The pain study day covers all aspects of Pain Management:
- Clinical topics on Chronic pain, acute pain and cancer pain.
- Workshops giving hands on practical experience e.g. ultrasound use in pain medicine.
- Learn strategies to manage some of the clinical challenges in acute pain.
- Understand the assessment and management of certain chronic pain conditions including Neuropathic pain.
- Evaluate some of the interventions used to manage cancer pain. Discover ultrasound techniques used in pain management.
- Exam question workshops for those studying for FRCA.
Stage 1 Regional Anaesthesia Training Day
The UGRA (Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia) course is a one-day course aiming to help trainees achieve the Regional Anaesthesia curriculum requirements for Stage 1.
What to expect:
• Pre-course learning resources and quiz
• Focus on establishing skills for UGRA- getting the right picture, seeing your needle
• Lots of hands-on practice with scanning and needling
• Experience using augmented reality and Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistance (NeedleTrainer, and ScanNav Anatomy Peripheral Nerve Block; Intelligent Ultrasound)
• Personalised feedback from facilitators throughout
• DOPS for Fascia Iliaca block
The course is free for CT1s (Anaesthetics) who have completed their IAC and who have done 6 months of anaesthetics. The course will be held in the following locations and dates and you can sign up via the associated eventbrite links/contacting the lead consultants.
The Grange University Hospital (lead Dr James Lloyd - James.Lloyd3@wales.nhs.uk)
- Future dates TBC
University Hospital of Wales (lead Dr Paul Carter - Paul.Carter3@wales.nhs.uk)
- Next dates 19th June 2024 and 20th June 2024 at University Hospital of Wales. Please email Dr Carter for further information.
Morriston Hopsital (lead Dr Simon Ford - Simon.Ford@wales.nhs.uk)
- Future dates TBC
Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor (lead Dr Stephan Clements - Stephan.Clements@wales.nhs.uk)
- Next date July 2024 tbc - please email Dr Clements for details.
The number of attendees for each day limited in order to maximise hands-on practice. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis (but there will be a reserve list). If you have registered and then can no longer attend, please email the course organiser as soon as possible so that your place can be offered to someone on the reserve list.
Stage 2 Regional Anaesthesia Study Day
This is a simulation and workshop-based course which aims to help trainees achieve many of the Regional Anaesthesia (RA) curriculum requirements for Stage 2. There will be a mixture of modalities including UGRA (Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia) elements, workshops and simulation-based education.
What to expect:
Pre-course reading materials and questionnaire
Workshops surrounding communication, anticoagulation and consent in regional anaesthesia
Simulation scenarios with candidates demonstrating sonoanatomy and conduct of UGRA as well as management of emergencies in RA
Debrief and feedback sessions.
This is a free course for ST4 and ST5 anaesthetic trainees undergoing Stage 2 training.
Date - 17th April 2024 - to be rescheduled due to Industrial Action
Location - Routledge Education Centre, University Hospital Llandough
To book please click on the eventbrite link below, there are limited places.
Stage 2 RA Day booking
Oswestry Regional Anaesthesia Course
The School would like to promote a regional anaesthesia course which will be delivered by this specialist centre in October 2024 for all Stages of training. The centre is keen to showcase to all Wales trainees the opportunities available in regional anaesthesia with the potential to discuss with trainers Special Interest areas in orthopaedics and regional anaesthesia.
Course Flyer
Course Programme
HEIW Generic Professional Curriculum Resources
HEIW has a range of very useful resources and free study days aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the generic professional curriculum. They can be accessed here. Study days and resources include:
- Communication
- Fair training
- Leadership and team working
- Medical law and ethics
- Patient safety
- Preparing to be a consultant
- Research skills
- Sustainable healthcare
- Successfully negotiating life as a new consultant
- Teaching skills course
Stage 1 Professional "Sim" Day
A novel & interactive day; highlighting some of the clinical scenarios faced by anaesthetists in training and focussing on the RCoA 2021 Curriculum requirements for Domain 1 of the Generic Professional Capabilities (Professional Behaviours and Communication). This will enable all Stage 1 trainees to evidence this domain in their portfolios, and is designed for CT1, CT2, CT3s (& ST3s to evidence their Stage 1 Equivalence).
The next course date will be Friday 17th January 2025. For further information and booking see poster below.
Stage 1 Professionalism Day
Research Courses
An important starting place for developing research skills is to complete the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course. GCP course covers important competencies relevant to research. It is delivered by NIHR and can be accessed here.
Health & Care Research Wales (HCRW) runs a variety of free courses that will cover the basics of clinical research training. The HCRW courses can be accessed here.
It is recommended that trainees consider completing the one hour Basics of PI course (online) that can be accessed here.
Trainees can then consider moving through any relevant courses including further PI training and then get involved with clinical research via the Associate PI Scheme.
Other resources available within the Welsh School of Anaesthesia include the research resources available as part of the GPC video lecture series.
Postgraduate Training Courses at University Hospital off Wales
The University Hospital of Wales hosts a range of anaesthesia related postgraduate training courses throughout the year. Please visit their website for more information on available courses including:
- ST4 interview course
- Ultrasound for beginners course
- Core anaesthesia interview course
- Anaesthesia and Resuscitation in Major Trauma (ARMOR) course
- Trainee airway course
Return to Clinical Anaesthesia
A one day course designed to provide workshops and simulation scenarios relevant to work in anaesthetics. Suitable for those who have taken time out of clinical work for any reason and are planning their return to practice.
The course includes:
- Workshops - paediatrics, airway and TIVA
- Multiple simulation scenarios
- Talk on LTFT matters
The next date will be Thursday 26th September 2024 at UHW, Cardiff. Please contact Dr Gemma Phillips Gemma.Phillips3@wales.nhs.uk for further information and to book.