Transfer Training

Curriculum requirements for Transfer training

A spiral learning approach in Stage 1 is important in ensuring optimum experience both in a clinical setting and a non-clinical setting (transfer course) to build the foundations for the competencies required in the Stages of training that follow.
The RCoA curriculum highlights the need for simulation training and successful completion of a specialist transfer training course. These requirements are also closely aligned to FICM curriculum requirements.
Please refer to the RCoA 2021 curriculum for full details of all key capabilities required to complete the HALO in Resuscitation and Transfer.

Stage 1
-Safely performs and assesses clinical risk associated with intra-hospital transfer with local supervision.
- Demonstrates the safe management of an inter-hospital transfer in a stable critically ill patient (successful completion of transfer course).
Stage 1 Resuscitation and Transfer

Stage 2
- Manages inter-hospital transfer of adults and children, including time critical/head injured transfers independently.
Stage 2 Resuscitation and Transfer

Stage 3
-Leads the clinical care of patients requiring inter-hospital transfer/retrieval and evaluates suitability
Stage 3 Resuscitation and Transfer

All Wales Part A e-learning Transfer course

It is clear that the delivery of face to face transfer training, to complement other e-learning resources e.g all Wales Part A e-learning, is necessary to allow trainees to develop the clinical skills and confidence required to provide high quality, safe care to patients in Health Boards. The transfer of critically ill patients is a daily exercise in most hospitals, in the same way that resuscitation services are required. All trainees are required to develop the multi-professional skills necessary to manage the safe transfer of patients as is laid out in the RCoA curriculum.

The expectation of all trainees in the Welsh School of Anaesthesia is to complete the Part A e-learning module and also the face to face Part B Transfer training course as advertised below.

To complete Part A and receive the certificate of completion prior to attending Part B, trainees must

- "Definitions and introduction to Transfer teams"

-"Clinical considerations"

- "Packaging and mobilisation"

- "Safety, communication and practicalities"


-Ambulance Introduction



-Transfer Trolley

-Transfer Bag

-Hamilton Ventilator

-Vacuum Mattress

-Oxygen cylinders

Link to follow

All Wales Part B Face-to-Face Transfer Training courses

We are lucky in Wales that over the past few years there has been development of a high quality, standardised Transfer training course to support the delivery of the curriculum.

We are very grateful to all those who have made significant contribution to the development and delivery of this but in particular the highly skilled Transfer Practitioners based at Aneurin Bevan Heath Board. The course has been repeatedly delivered by this group of staff with input from other medical staff based at a variety of Health Boards across Wales. We are also grateful to Dr Pete Collett and Dr Ami Jones for their expertise in coordinating and developing the online resources.

Transfer training courses are available at the Grange University Hospital throughout the academic year. This transfer course will also be delivered in other sites around Wales and will be advertised here when available.

2024 dates at GUH

October 15th
December 10th

2025 dates at GUH

Tuesday 4th Feb
Thursday 10th April
Monday 9th June
Friday 19th September
Tuesday 2nd December

Please contact Sian Pritchard for further details and to book a space.