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Guidance on additional work undertaken whilst working in a postgraduate training programme

Monday 12th February 2024
E Duff

COPMED have published guidance detailing the considerations for trainees wishing to undertake additional work/locums whilst in a postgraduate training programme. The guidance refers to both full time and LTFT trainees and is also a useful reference for trainers in educational supervisor roles and in managing rota queries. Educational supervisors should be encouraged to discuss with the trainee any additional activity as part of their ongoing review of training progression and curriculum requirements prior to ARCP review. COPMED Additional Work Guidance

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NEW : Critical Care Transfer Training study days 2024

Monday 15th January 2024
Dr E Duff

There are a selection of Transfer training study days available to any interested trainees in the coming 12 months. These are valuable opportunities to achieve the curriculum requirements. Wrexham : April 24th and November 6th 2024. Contact Joanne Richards ABUHB : March 22nd, June 21st, October 15th, December 10th. Contact Sian Pritchard

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New WSoA Maternity/Paternity/Shared Parental Leave Guidance

Monday 15th January 2024
Dr J Myo, Dr J Loughran

The new Maternity/Paternity/Shared Parental Leave guidance booklet can be accessed by clicking this link. The new and detailed guidance booklet should provide everything you need in planning your maternity, paternity or shared parental leave. This resource covers many important aspects including who to notify, how to plan your accrued annual leave, how to plan your return to work, pay and keeping in touch days. There are links to all the useful pages included and everything is accessible in one concise booklet. A useful checklist of jobs is included to ensure everything is in place to support your leave.

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